Sunday, May 17, 2015

Matt McGorry: "I AM A FEMINIST"

One of the few male stars, Matt McGorry, of the predominately female cast Orange Is The New Black admits that he has recently only found out the actual meaning of feminism.

It came to be when McGorry finished reading Sheryl Sandberg's book, 'Lean In'. He describe his experience, "eye-opening" and has learned more about gender inequality in life, family and in the work force.

It article is closely tied to this week's topic of Feminism. Being a feminist myself, its very encouraging that famous actor's are spreading feminism in a very patriarchal environment, known as Hollywood. Personally, I do not see the reason why female should be considered and treated differently (along the lines of equal pay or how society views them). They are just as able as men are, some may argue that they are more productive, but I will not join that argument.

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